Like a Branch Blocking the Road
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” - Philippians 2:3-4
I’ve known my best friend Ashley since fourth grade. I think that puts us at about 20 years of friendship at this current place in time. Allow me to brag about her just a little bit. There are many things that are great about Ashley. She’s intelligent, says things that make me think, has a caring heart, and makes me laugh harder than anyone. She accepts me for the crazy geek I am and is always there when I need a kind word or piece of advice. Truly, she’s a wonderful person.
She and I often hang out on her off Fridays after I get off of work to browse our local Barnes and Noble for the newest releases of manga (Japanese comics) and novels, as well as grab a bite to eat and catch up. On our latest outing, we were crossing through the parking lot when we spotted a large branch that had been knocked into the street, blocking the way of larger cars that didn’t have the space to navigate around it.
It is here that I failed to do what Jesus would have. Although I was perfectly capable of grabbing that branch and moving it out of the way to help those who were trying to get through, I kept walking. Right by it. I think I may have even chuckled a “sucks for you” kind of laugh. WOW. For someone who claims to be a Christian, that was really lame of me. I continued on talking to Ashley, who I thought was next to me. When she didn’t reply to something I had said, I looked around. She had stopped to move that very same branch I had just walked past.
What I am about to write is going to seem harsh. But this is an example of my own hypocrisy, in my eyes. I didn’t realize it until days later when I was trying to think of what I would write about in this blog. I wrote a piece not too long ago called “God Bless Us.” In it, I talked about how I help a homeless woman who stands outside of my local grocery store purchase some things she needs. There are indeed many verses in the Bible that focus on blessing others the same way you have been blessed, particularly those who are less well-off.
But think of how many other people need a helping hand. It’s not just the ones we traditionally focus our attention on. Just because someone isn’t standing on the roadside with a “will work for food” sign doesn’t mean they couldn’t use some love. As a matter of fact, that’s a hallmark of a true Christian. It’s stated in John 13:35 – “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Another great example of this happened just the other day. My mom and I are pretty strong for a couple of chicks, but when it comes to moving large, heavy pieces of solid wood furniture, it’s not easy. My pastor and his nephew took time out of their days to come by and help us get rid of an entertainment center that had been taking up tons of room. They didn’t have to do this. My mom and I were perfectly capable of hiring people to handle it…but it likely would have cost a pretty penny. If I know my pastor and his nephew, they would have done this for anybody. They are just good people who share their God-given strength and know-how to help those they can.
In Galatians 6:2, we are instructed to “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” We can’t survive in this world on apathy and selfishness. I think friendship is a beautiful gift from God, and it’s natural to want to help those you are close to. It’s also easier than helping someone you don’t know. But that shouldn’t stop us from doing what’s right when it’s sitting right in front of us like a branch blocking the road.